Going back to my roots and restarting from Florence.

If there is a city that more than any other embodies the idea of ​​my professional rebirth, this is undoubtedly Florence. Cradle of the Italian Renaissance, but also a place of my father’s youth who often spoke to me of his deep bond with the city and his strong desire to return to relive those far away memories.

Even if I have been there many times in recent years, for press events or institutional meetings, going back to Florence this time was completely different. From being the “D’Artagnan of Comunication”, as some media liked to depict me, I felt, forgive me the presumption, a bit like Francesco the Magnificent.

A communicator sensitive to arts, technologies and culture of his time, ready to tell his new “experiences” to the microphones of a young Florentine radio station.

From the Dome to the deserted lands of Osmannoro.

Reaching the recording studios in Osmannoro, starting on foot from the wonderful Piazza del Duomo where I was comfortably hosted, was actually an incredible adventure.

Having neither an electric city car nor a more sustainable carriage, I chose to opt for the common local public transport, without knowing what I was going to go through.

If I had known that to travel a distance of 14 km would have taken me more than one hour and a half each way, changing buses, having exhausting walks in the rain and not even a soul to ask for directions, believe me, I would have certainly opted for a taxi or a car sharing!

My arrival at Radio StoryTime.

Arriving at the destination and in time for the interview, after the long journey just described, was a real miracle.

I was welcomed by a very young and professional staff who, with the unmistakable Florentine grace, immediately set to work to give voice to my personal history and professional evolution within its innovative format dedicated to new business projects, to the protagonists of all sectors and to the new emerging figures in the Italian market.

Getting back behind the camera, despite having done over 500 interviews in all these years, was a strong emotion but also a testing ground. Telling my story and no longer that of others is a whole different adventure! I felt like I was starting from scratch.

Fortunately, as soon as the little red light came on, my initial worry disappeared, leaving space to myself.

FFG - Experience Teller - Firenze - Radio StoryTime
On air with Emanuele Landi

Hi! My name is Francesco and I’m an experience teller.

Explaining who I am and what an experience teller does is a bit the same thing, since I have sewn this new profession on myself just like a tailored suit.

A figure that should not be confused with that of the storyteller, but which in terms of approach is much closer to that of a modern narrator of brand experiences, able to intercept the interest of his audience and to give voice, body and soul to a narrative that will engage and create emotional links. My new professional identity was born from this precise positioning and mission.

FFG - Experience Teller - Rinascita

A website different from any other.

When I started working on my project together with my small and incredible staff of collaborators, I immediately expressed the need for it not to be conceived as a simple showcase website, but that it should be designed to give visibility to my professional image, with the purpose of creating new connections inside and outside the network.

This is how the website experienceteller.it was born: a large narrative and relational container where all my experiences, communication activities, interests and passions converge, shared by my community through the main social platforms.

FFG - Experience Teller - Sito Web

Don’t call it blog, FRAday is another story!

The beating heart of my website is undoubtedly the FRAday blog, because every Friday I launch a different experience, telling it through my eyes, my somewhat nomadic life, my photographs, my most intimate memories and my personal creative and cultural background.

Not just any day of the week, but a Friday of my own, lived and told in my own way, dedicated to different topics and themes. These are the experiential stories that you find regularly published in my FRAday.

Stories that speak of art, design, travel, mobility, sustainability, weekend after weekend, involving more and more users.

Many good news are coming. Stay tuned!

Starting now I will offer my services to all companies and organizations that feel the need to improve and enhance the emotional experience of the brand through specific communication activities aimed at creating or strengthening the bond with their customers, involving them emotionally, through tangible, stimulating and memorable experiences.

So, if you are curious to discover them, you will have to keep following my blog, I count on it!

I want to dedicate this long weekend to my special Community.

A small “tribe” that continues to grow week after week, made up of dreamers, free spirits, travelers, creatives, self-motivated people, journalists, artists, friends near and far, former colleagues, professionals and digital entrepreneurs, but also curious and new people.

My thanks go to all of you and to the trust and interest you are showing me every day. If I made it up to the 13th FRAday, the credit is all yours!

To celebrate my Professional Rebirth together, I published the video interview with StoryTime on my social channels (unfortunately only in Italian). Those interested can see it on Youtube channel.

Whish you a Magnificent FRAday.