This morning feels quite different.

Exciting, and stimulating, just like the new adventure that starts today with my new blog.

I called it FRAday because it’s my very own Friday.

Not just any ordinary day but a friday that encloses all the things that i want to do during this special day of the week.

Dedicate time to my passions. Slow down. Travel with my imagination. Put in standby things to do and deadlines. Avoid using the car and putting the alarm clock in the morning. Use my reflex camera. Walk around looking for special shots and emotions. Have long walks in the city center. Discover unusual places where i have never been. Look at the clouds. Relax on my sofa listening to good music. Go to the movies. Googling exhibitions and most interesting initiatives during the week end. Enter a library to smell the new published books. Watch loads of TV series. Use Shazam to discover new sounds and update my playlist. Study escape strategies to avoid the Saturday night fever. Organize a new trip or a week end out. Give shape and space to my new projects. Dream. Call a friend or family. Lose myself in a faraway memory. Improvise myself as a masterchef for just one night. Smile. Enjoy a spritz in good company.

What are your plans for next friday?

If you are free and you have 5 minutes, you can find me online with a lot of stories and initiatives that I would like to tell you.

Meanwhile, with the pleasure of meeting you in my blog, I wish you a good week end!